Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sublime Text Plugin to Sort Tabs

I am a huge fan of the Sublime Text Editor.  Today, Greg Clarke and I created our first plugin.  It will add items to the Tab Context menu that will sort the open files, by file name.  Sublime is a really fun environment in which to program in Python.  You can download the plugin, copy it to your Sublime Text Installed Packages Folder, rename it as TabOrdering.sublime-package and it will be available to you once you restart Sublime.  To create your own plugin see NetTuts' instructions.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

More Circle Drawing

This seems like a long time into 2013 for the year's first post.  The occasion is the receipt of an email from Dan Meyer (possibly in error) alerting me to a fun circle drawing applet a student in England put together.  This is a nice followup to my previous posts (first, second) about Alexander Overwijk, a teacher at my alma mater, Glebe Collegiate whose motto is "in alta tende", which I have always loved.  The three of us were at OAME 2013 last week which was marvelous.  The applet would be a interesting tool to judge a freehand circle drawing contest.

Incidently, Vi Hart just posted a circle drawing video.  One of the featured speakers at OAME 2014 will be George W. Hart, who was introduced as Vi's father - only in the internet age!